I was surfing the net and I came across this article that did a review on Google's new social networking tool, Google Plus.
I was like, "what?", "really?", "amazing!", "why didn't I hear of this before?".
At first I thought the article was referring to the Google Plus +1 button which Google rolled out just recently, but upon reading further I found out it was really about a Google social network similar to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.
The article mentioned that this tool was secretly developed by Google but many people already predicted that they will be rolling out something like this since Google Buzz was not successful.
At the moment, it is only available by invite to a small group of people who are selected to help test it.
Based on the screenshots that I've seen, the site looks cool and clean.
One unique feature I like about it is it's way of letting users create circles where we can add family and friends. We can add them to specific circles like circle of best friends, circle of acquaintances, circle of co-workers, circle of neighbors, circle of virtual assistant friends, and many more. Adding a friend to a circle is as easy as dragging him or her to the circle of your choice.
This tool is not yet available to everyone but it has already whetted my appetite. I can't wait to check this out and be part of a circle!